Who: Chris Lam

Month: March 2019

Hottie Bio: Chris Lam once filmed a vlog about his Grindr experiences where the moral of the story was to never trust hot people. Well, hotness is not found in photogenic sweet-talkers on dating apps that ghost you for no reason. True hotness is found in politically-active anime and video game lovers who advocate for mental illness awareness and know how to rock some freakin’ cute underwear with enviable confidence.

Twitter @onewingedchris, Instagram @onewingedchris


Haiku: Laura Sirikul, a Trekkie, Jedi, Whovian, Sherlockian, Hobbit, Sanrio, Comics, I am Soarticus, Warrior Princess, Superhero, nerd. Known for cosplay and writer for Nerd Reactor and Nerds of Color. @lsirikul


Photo: Will Alicea

2019 Hotties